
Application Form for Clerkship in JU MC Hospital: online form (applications for summer 2024 – closed).

MD Certificate of Completion of Summer Clerkship: form*

DDS Certificate of Completion of Summer Clerkship: form*

*NOTE: In order for the Certificate to be considered a valid document and a base for crediting the summer clerkship, the form must be duly filled out by the summer clerkship supervisor, stamped, signed and sent by post directly from the hospital/ GP Office where the clerkship was performed to the School Office (Jagiellonian University Medical College, Faculty of Medicine, School of Medicine in English, ul. św. Łazarza 16, 31‐530 Kraków, Poland). Forms delivered by students in person or by email will be disregarded. Scans of the documents (in PDF format) can be accepted only if they are sent directly to the JJU MC SME by the clerkship supervisors from their professional email accounts.