Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE, aka. Dean’s Letter) is a comprehensive document describing a student’s academic performance to date relative to his or her peers. It includes quotes from the core rotation evaluations and Letters of Recommendation submitted to the school office when applying for rotations. It is one of the documents required of Match applicants in the USA and Canada.

Detailed information on the document is available here.


To obtain an MSPE:

submit the following documents here:

  • your CV;
  • a motivation letter/ personal statement giving the writer an idea of who you are and what your professional motivations and plans are;
  • 3 noteworthy characteristics (see here, page 7);
  • any SEFs (Student evaluation forms) from clinical rotations you obtained;
  • any LoRs (not obligatory but recommended): Please note that a letter of recommendation (LoR) cannot be used twice, so if you plan to upload a LoR as part of your application, it cannot be quoted in the MSPE. If such a case should occur, you must inform the SME staff member responsible for composing the MSPEs, so that the text may be substituted.

The said documents should be submitted no later than August 14, 2024. MSPEs will be prepared in the order in which the documents are received.

Prior to its submission to ERAS, an MSPE is available for viewing by the student/graduate it refers to. The writer will consider suggestions regarding the form of the document (grammar, spelling, etc.) but not its content.   The recommendation letters or opinions from the Student Evaluation Forms must be quoted verbatim – changes or omissions are not allowed.

Upon acceptance by the student, MSPE will be uploaded to ERAS by the JU MC SME, together with the transcript. ECFMG requires 2 business days to process the documents submitted by the medical schools. The MSPEs are released to the programs on September 25, 2024.

Info on the application process is available here.

MATCH 2025


To participate in the Main Residency Match 2025, you will need to register with the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP). The NRMP is the organization involved in matching applicants with available residency positions, based on certified rank order lists (ROLs) of applicants and program directors.

Registration opens on September 4, 2024.

For information on Match registration and requirements, visit this site.

Information on requirements for ECFMG Certification for 2025 Match: here.

Timeline: here.


For information on the timeline for Match 2025 via CARMS, visit this site.