Practicing in Poland

Please note that graduates are no longer subject to the University and all queries regarding obtaining a license should be addressed to the Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists.


Obtaining Medical/Dental License

Medical/Dental diploma does not confirm the holder’s right to practice the medical/dental profession. In order to recognize the qualification in Poland or any other EU country, and to be able to practice as a doctor/dentist, one may need to comply with additional requirements as each country may have different regulations in that respect in place. For more information, consult an appropriate Medical Chamber.

To obtain the license in Poland, a holder of a medical/ dental diploma needs to:

  1. Pass the Medical Final Examination (LEK) or Medical-Dental Final Examination (LDEK) – both  available in Polish and English language versions;

To apply, fill in the application form on CEM website (Centrum Egzaminów Medycznych, Łódź). For information on the place of examination and the whole procedure, visit here.

  1. Complete staż podyplomowy – an obligatory post-graduate internship.


More information at:

Biuro Okręgowej Izby Lekarskiej w Krakowie


ul. Kordylewskiego 11, 31-542 Kraków

tel. (12) 6191720


The Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists

link to page:

Naczelna Izba Lekarska

ul. Sobieskiego 110, 00-764 Warszawa

tel. +48 (22) 559 13 00, +48 (22) 559 13 24