Counseling Service

Settling into a new country and new circumstances of medical studies is a demanding task, especially if you have to do both at once.

If you experience difficulties adapting to the new reality of your life, feel overwhelmed, or just need to get something off your chest, our two Counselors are here to help you.


Contact either of them for help in gaining insight into whatever difficulties you are experiencing, so that nothing impedes your academic and personal development.

First three sessions with either of the Counselors are free of charge for all JU MC SME students.


Self-Help Resources

 NHS Self-Help leaflets – a wealth of information on various issues


Mental Health Foundation

Sufferer’s point of view on anxiety


Mental Health Foundation

Depression Alliance

Students Against Depression


Perfectionism in perspective

Psychology Today

How to overcome perfectionism

Stress management and relaxation techniques

Wind Down

Mindfulness for students

Put off Procrastinating

The Pomodoro Technique

Adapting to a new culture

Students Abroad – Adjustments and Culture Shock

Go Abroad – How to deal with culture shock while studying abroad


Sleep hygiene


Sleeping resources

Healthline – Sleep Disorder prevention

F.lux Computer screen light adjustment software

Eating disorders

The Emily Program