Upgrading the email after graduation

Upon graduation, the user can upgrade their email address on their own from one domain to another:

  • @student.uj.edu.pl to @doctoral.uj.edu.pl (when entering PhD studies)
  • @student.uj.edu.pl to @alumni.uj.edu.pl – (upon graduation)
  • @doctoral.uj.edu.pl to @alumni.uj.edu.pl – (upon graduation)

To do that, the user must:

  1. log in here using their current university email address  (in either the @student.uj.edu.pl or @doctoral.uj.edu.pl domain) and current password,
  2. initiate the „change address” procedure in the bottom right corner of the website,
  3. complete the process following the instructions provided therein.

We encourage everyone to do that so that we can stay in touch after you have graduated.